Sunday 19 April 2020

These are the pumpkins i grew 
here is how i grew the pumpkins.
First I planted them in compost and grass clippings
and as soon as i planted the pumpkin plant i worterd it and would keep walking when it was still little. 
When it started flowering a lot I trimmed down most of the flowers until there were two left. Then I put the pumpkins on a plate so they wouldn't rot with the water
then I waited for it to grow.
the biggest pumpkin was 68.5 Kg,s 
and 2700. mm


  1. Well done Harry, you have produced an excellent crop. I liked the way you explained the reason for sitting the pumpkins n a plate. Why did you trim back most of the flowers? Have you weighed the pumpkins? What are you going to create with them?

  2. WOW!! That is one huge pumpkin. Why did you cut off all the other flowers?
    You are obviously very good at growing these massive pumpkins!
    Miss M

    1. I cut all the flowers off so the pumpkin puts all its energy into growing the pumpkins

  3. Wow, Harry! That's super impressive. Thanks for sharing your amazing pumpkins. Quite interesting to read your tips for taking such good care of them.

  4. 68 kg!! That is nearly the same size as me! Very impressive Harry. I like how you put effort into looking after them. Maybe you could send Ruby a picture of them and see how she got on with growing hers?

  5. Hello Harry,
    Your explanation of growing pumpkins is getting a great response from your readers. That is quite an achievement growing pumpkins of that size. Did you have any trouble with wekas pecking at the pumpkins during the growing season? cheers


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